Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Fling

I was social this year. Watch out, people. I have never been to Spring Fling, Homecoming or any kind of dance. So this was fun. Anyway, it was interesting seeing all the different people socialize, or not socialize. Usually, they just stayed in their own group and didn't mingle too much with other people. Very interesting. After the movie was over and most everyone had left, my friends and I took pictures. There were several spotlights in one of the hallways, so I had Anne stand under one and look up. I love this picture. Reminds me of something off of Broadway. 
I really like the light in this picture, that her face is fully lit. The shadows provide drama and an interesting texture to her outift. It is a very simple image (because of the plain background), yet it is complex because of the dramatic lighting. 

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