Saturday afternoon I found myself in downtown Chicago ...
Smack dab in the middle of the annual turn-the-river-green-and-chaos-of-thousands-of-people-going-through-an-identity-crises-thinking-they're-Irish-and-loving-every-minute-of-it day.
And yes, I realize that this image looks neither chaotic, nor Irish, nor green.
I was fascinated by how many different kinds of people there were out on the streets that day. It's like they all came out of nowhere. There was such an overwhelming mixture of ages, cultures, and personalities. I enjoyed simply observing how each person was responding to the festivities.
Some, like the man above, just seemed to take in all that was wonderful about the day. He didn't seem bothered by the rain. Didn't seem overtaken by the screaming youths around him. Didn't let the pushing and pulling crowds engulf him. I turned this photograph black and white because I wanted to just rest in the expression on his face. That is all.
There is just a peace about it. I love opposites, so I am drawn to the fact that this photograph goes against everything I, personally, experienced that day - Because it obviously was the opposite of what this man experienced. And that notion just kind of stuck with me when I saw this.
Not everyone is having the same kind of day that you're having.
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