Tuesday, March 29, 2011
the order of ceremonies

Japan Reflection, Continued

This is a photo of my friend Lara, who's parents are from the regions affected by earthquakes. This image shows solitude and loneliness that I assume many in Japan are experiencing and that they don't expect to disappear. However lonely and desperate a situation, it will eventually come to pass. Tomorrow will always come. And I hope that this image represents both those feelings of loneliness, but also hope.
Japan Project 2: Expanding the Idea

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I constructed this still life out of an apple and the top to a fire hydrant. The apple simply represents food and the shortage of food, and how we tend to take it for granted to easily. Yet, presently in Japan, grocery store shelves are empty, people are sharing small portions, and they are not getting the amount of food they need or are used to. Earlier today, I was complaining to a friend that I was hungry because all I had eaten today was an apple. Just one apple.Yet that's more than the majority of the world, including those currently in Japan, get on a daily basis.
I chose to include the fire hydrant top for a few reasons. First, it represents a source of water, which has become just as scarce as food has. Next, it represents humanitarian aide to the nation. The entire world has to pitch in to assist in the cleaning and rebuilding of Japan. Also, it represents the attempts of Japanese forces to contain the problem at the nuclear reactors along the west coast. Lastly, the fact that it is separated from the hydrant and that I chose to show the underside of it, which is all rusted, represents the destruction and damage done by the hurricane. The entire Japanese society has been dismantled and turned upside down in one day.
Japan Project

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I took this a couple of weeks ago and just forgot to upload it. I was on my way to school and snapped this image of my car just before leaving my house. The ice was still there when I got to school.
I chose this image purely because of the irony. I like irony.
people, land and home

For the response to the tragedy in Japan I experimented with the artist Curtis Mann's process of bleaching out printed color photos. These photos were manipulated to visually convey destruction: when people, land, and home are eroded, separated, or invaded. What has actually happened (and is still happening) physically in Japan is a level of "washing out" and erasing that I cannot really process but hope to reflect in a small way with these images.

This image was created by collaging pieces of an image I took this weekend. I was out driving in the back roads and I happened to find this huge pile of concrete pieces probably 25 feet high, just sitting out in the middle of nowhere. I used the images of this to create a collage of rubble, layering as I went. I decided to use this as a background for the Japanese flag, which is usually white with a large red circle. I feel like the mass of concrete replacing the white represents the feeling of what's going on right now. It is no longer a pure, untarnished place as it was just weeks ago. Now it's buried and far from perfect.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
second view of a record store


I really enjoy pictures like this one, where the subject is addressing the viewer, as opposed to reacting to the photographer.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
record store

This is a picture I took for my a project I'm doing for my sister. She's a middle school music teacher and she wanted a series that included shots of different instruments. This is an image of the dampeners inside of a piano. The repetition of the dampeners and the strings bring continuity to the image as well as an even visual weight. The composition is very dynamic which adds interest to it since instruments tend to be fairly commonplace, and sometimes uninteresting. I think the image being in black and white also adds to that, causing it to seem more dramatic than just an everyday object, which I think accomplishes the original goal to emphasize the importance of music.
A Simpler Way of Life

This image is representative of how my life slows down when I go home. We heat our house with this wood-burning stove thing, and it is just one way in which my environment gets much simpler when I am at my house. It is a great place to rest and relax for a week before the second half of the semester begins. I liked the pattern and texture in this image as well as the way the light fell on the different geometric forms. There is also an analogous color scheme happening.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Road Trip!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
This is by far my favorite image from this last project. Unfortunately I was unable to print it.
I like this image so much because of the color. It just seems to jump out and grab you. The contrast of the white background and the clothes allow that to happen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Best Interpretation

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